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contoh kalimat alamat ip

"alamat ip" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I'm tracing the IP address where she logged on.
    Aku melacak alamat IP tempat dia mengakses.
  • These are the IP addresses which were used by Hades.
    Ini alamat IP yang digunakan Hades.
  • They can trace my I.P. address... and arrest me for this.
    Mereka bisa melacak alamat IP ku
  • IP addresses off the Deep Web, and... a face.
    Alamat IP dari Deep Web, dan ... wajah.
  • Nope, her IP address is routed through relay proxies.
    Tidak, Alamat IP nya disalurkan melalui Proxy Relay.
  • Every computer online has an IP address.
    Setiap komputer yang online mempunyai alamat IP.
  • Can we trace the hacker's I.P. address?
    Apa kita bisa melacak alamat IP hacker-nya?
  • So we can track their IP address?
    Jadi kita bisa melacak alamat IP mereka?
  • The IP address of the server it's calling.
    Alamat IP dari server itu menelepon.
  • You know how to run an IP trace? Yeah.
    Kau bisa melacak alamat IP?
  • So, why isn't the IP address working?
    Jadi, mengapa tidak alamat IP bekerja?
  • I found the IP address Shepherd's been trying to reach.
    Saya menemukan alamat IP Shepherd telah berusaha untuk mencapai.
  • Finding an IP address is noob shit.
    Mencari alamat IP adalah kotoran noob.
  • Maybe even this guy's real IP address.
    Mungkin alamat IP asli orang ini.
  • Hell, all TV should take note.
    Harap diperhatikan bahwa seluruh alamat IP akan direkam untuk semua pesan yang diterbitkan.
  • The IP address Hades was using is from 1101 Palace Tower.
    Alamat IP yang Hades gunakan dari 1101 Palace Tower.
  • We can mask our IP addresses.
    Kita bisa menutupi alamat IP kita.
  • The server WHOAMI uses, always responds to this IP address.
    Server yang dia gunakan selalu mengarah ke alamat IP ini.
  • This is our actor's home IP address.
    Ini alamat IP peretas kita.
  • Okay, I'm getting the hard location for the I.P. address now.
    Oke, aku sedang memproses lokasi alamat IP itu sekarang.
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